
Section: Free Widget Foundation (3)
Updated: 28 Jan 1993
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FileChooser - Another widget for choosing a file  


#include <Xfwf/FChooser.h>

widget = XtCreateManagedWidget(name, xfwfFileChooserWidgetClass, ...);

Class Hierarchy

The following describes the classes from which XfwfFileChooser inherits resources:

Widget Hierarchy

The XfwfFileChooser widget is a composite widget with the following internal structure:

MenuButton dirMenuButton
SimpleMenu dirMenu
Viewport fileViewport
    List fileList
You can use these names to specify resources for FileChooser children, or use XtNameToWidget() to locate them programmatically.  


XfwfFileChooser provides a list of files in the current directory, and a dynamically-updated menu of ancestor directories. A file can be selected from the list, or a directory can be selected from either the list (a sub-directory) or the menu (an ancestor directory). When a directory is selected (from the menu or the list), the list is re-filled with the contents of the new directory. Callback procedures are called whenever the selected file or directory changes.

This widget is meant to function within, say, a Form, which would provide buttons and perhaps a Text item for entering new filenames. In this sense, it is different from the XfwfFileSelector widget that provides builtin additional functionality but at the cost of more screen real estate and some inflexibility in terms of input policy. The sample program distributed with the widget presents an example of such usage.

The source code in the Dir directory of the FWF distribution contains system-independent file listing functions that are required by FileChooser.  


In addition to the resources defined by superclasses, this widget defines the following:
XtNcurrentDirectoryPathnameStringcurrent directory

The XtNcurrentDirectory and XtNcurrentFile resources can be used to specify the initial contents and selection of the XfwfFileChooser widget. Changing them after creation results in the contents being recomputed appropriately and the callbacks being invoked (see below).

The filter pattern is specified in the string XtNpattern. The method used to sort the file list is specified in XtNsortMode. The sort mode is encoded as an integer. The integers are defined in the DirMgr.h file which is part of the libDir directory management package included in the FWF release. Sample XtNsortMode values are depicted below:

XtNsortMode NameValueSort By
SORT_NONE0No sorting
SORT_NAME1File name
SORT_NAME_DIRS_FIRST2File name, directories first
SORT_SIZE_ASCENDING3Ascending file size
SORT_SIZE_DESCENDING4Descending file size
SORT_ACCESS_ASCENDING5Ascending access time
SORT_ACCESS_DESCENDING6Descending access time


The XfwfFileChooser widget provides a single callback list, XtNcallback. This callback is called whenever the contents of the XfwfFileChooser change, either because the user selected a file or directory (or selected the background, which unselects any selected file) or because the XtNcurrentDirectry or XtNcurrentFile resources were changed programmatically. The call_data parameter of the call contains an instance of the following structure:

typedef struct _XfwfFileChooserReturnStruct
        String directory;
        String file;
} XfwfFileChooserReturnStruct;

The "file" member is NULL if no file is selected in the fileList.  

Public Functions

void XfwfFileChooserChangeDirectory(fcw,dir)
XfwfFileChooserWidget fcw;
char *dir;

This routine changes the current directory of the XfwfFileChooser widget fcw to be dir, and invokes the callbacks.

void XfwfFileChooserRefresh(fcw)
XfwfFileChooserWidget fcw;

This routine causes the XfwfFileChooser widget fcw to re-read the current directory, refreshing the widget. Changes to the file system will not automatically propogate to the widget. This routine forces the refresh.

void XfwfFileChooserCurrentDirectory(fcw)
XfwfFileChooserWidget fcw;

Returns the value of the XtNcurrentDirectory resource for the XfwfFileChooser widget fcw.

void XfwfFileChooserCurrentFile(fcw)
XfwfFileChooserWidget fcw;

Returns the value of the XtNcurrentFile resource for the XfwfFileChooser widget fcw.


The filter function is currently limited to shell-style pattern matching, even though the underlying directory management functions support arbitrary filter functions.

Layout parameters of the XfwfFileChooser widget's children cannot be changed, but other resources can using the names described above under "Widget Hierarchy".

The slider bars of the viewports do not "snap back" when a smaller directory is loaded, and the sliders are down at the bottom.

The stupid List widget doesn't notify when the background is selected, although it unhighlights the item. Blech. This means your callbacks won't always be called when you think they should.  


George Ferguson,

Based on FileSelector by:

Brian Totty,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1304 W. Springfield Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801



Class Hierarchy
Widget Hierarchy
Public Functions

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